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Intuitive pain healing program


with Self to understand and heal
any pain
in your body

About the Intuitive Pain Healing Program (IPHP)

You've been on a healing journey for some time now,


And you're in the process of exploring the deeper emotional and spiritual layers to your chronic pain, 



Knowing that when you finally make the connections between your pain and its deeper meanings, you'll unlock the lasting relief and freedom that is possible for you.


When it comes to healing your pain by reconnecting to your body, it is so much easier and more effortless when you have the tools to feel safe in your body, and a process to follow that really works.



Intuitive Pain Healing is the program to learn to heal the physical body by connecting to its innate wisdom, with a clinically-backed framework & guided support.



You will know the exact ways that your physical pain is mirroring deeper emotional, mental and spiritual pains of disconnection to Self. 


How to confidently use that primal wisdom to access deep relief on all levels and re-alignment with your authentic self, your path and your purpose.


How to hold loving space for deep connection and dialogue with your body's intuition.


How to trust your intuition and use your own innate gifts as powerful tools for deep healing.


How to create safety and resilience in order to sit with (and move through) the most uncomfortable parts of your healing process.


How to clear your energy and physical body for accelerated relief and instant shifts.


How to embody complete self-trust in your body's ability to heal itself.​​​​​


You get lifetime access to your program modules, complete with 1:1 and group support for accelerated results on your 12-week journey.

Join the JULY cohort waitlist 

Get ready--Our next cohort begins mid July 2024! 


I am currently revamping the existing IPHP program and creating a whole new experience for you with different options that cater to your individual needs and preferences!


Click the button below to join our email waitlist and be the first to get notified of enrollment details, full program details, and early bird pricing.


IPHP Program Outline

12-week guided program teaches you clinically-based self-healing techniques along with a new pain paradigm to help you tune into the deeper spiritual causes of pain in your life, so you can effectively manage and heal your pain at all levels from home, without the need for prior medical background or intuitive skills.


What you'll be learning inside of IPHP: 

Course Curriculum & Flow

Module 1

Intuitive Pain Paradigm

Weeks 1 -3

  • introduction & integration of Intuitive Pain Paradigm, understanding the higher purpose that pain serves as an intuitive messenger to restore faith in yourself and your healing ability 

  • energetic sound activations to create space for self-compassion and to begin to connect to the body itself

  • fundamental mindset shifts around "healing", how it works, and the subconscious ways we resist and sabotage it

  • somatic practices to help build resilience & establish safety in the body as a foundation, before moving into processing

Module 2

Multi-Dimensional Pain Portal

Weeks 4-7

  • ​4 "Golden Question" worksheets for how to symbolically understand the body parts that feel painful, providing the level of depth and clarity that you're wanting (and no medical talk, yay!)

  • 2 Pain Narrative worksheets with step by step guidance to help you explore the personal meaning of your pain--what your pain is telling you emotionally, spiritually and more

  • modifications for those who prefer feeling, rather than thinking, through their answers

  • energetic activations to release fear and self-judgment that block self trust, intuition and higher consciousness

  • extra resources & guidance on piecing together the full narrative of what growth opportunity your pain wants to make you aware of

Module 3

Becoming Your Own Healer

Weeks 8-12

  • guidance on how to access your deepest healing by activating your superpowers and gifts

  • resource library of clinically-backed DIY tools that create overall alignment through body, mind and spirit while doing the least amount of work

  • build your own transformative action plan that honors your needs and timeline, as a continuation of your healing and future-pain preventative 

IPHP Graduate

"So everything that I have healed in this program is connected to my childhood of isolation and suppression. And so when I'm being my true self it's like I have no issues, no pain, nothing. I feel light and happy and joyful, and you know you kinda wanna prance around because you're so happy like I don't feel anything when when I'm out interacting with people talking. That's where I thrive, although I didn't know it before. And when I isolate myself and I'm alone a lot, it just brings backs some stuff like pain sometimes. So I know now that it's all connected to isolation and suppression, so I can't be in the isolation and suppression space..”

Program Format


Online Modules

You'll access your course modules through our online portal, which  include video lessons, integration reflections, reusable tools, and energy activation exercises to support you along your journey.


Learn the powerful concepts that will set the foundation for the rest of this healing program and beyond. 


Modules will be made available to you as you progress through the content.

Once you've finished the program, you'll unlock 24/7 lifetime access to your course materials.


Live Virtual Group Sessions & Forum

To further enrich your learning experience, you'll have the added benefits of bi-weekly live group Q&A sessions with Sarah and a private community forum of like-minded women on a similar journey, where you can ask questions, share your insights, celebrate your progress, feel lovingly supported, find accountability, and learn from one another.


1:1 Sessions with Sarah

Because you are putting in the work to learn the foundational concepts, we get to make the most of our 1:1 time, and laser-focus on tailoring the content to your individual circumstances. Five 1:1 support calls are included in your program tuition, with the option to add on weekly additional support if desired

(See tuition options below). 

What's included:

  • lifetime access to online video modules 

  • 5 or 12 1:1 Zoom calls (40 min) to support you individually, depending on which support level you choose 

  • 4-5 live group support Zoom calls (various Fridays @1pm-2:30pm PST, will be recorded)

  • a curated resource library of my most potent clinically-backed tools including my signature quantum visualizations (client favorite!),  energy hygiene and energy upgrade techniques, body balancing methods, mindset tools, somatic exercises and more

  • private community forum for peer support and enhanced learning

  • 30 day satisfaction guarantee*: receive a partial refund (or full refund, if no 1:1 sessions have been rendered) if you decide that this program is not what you expected, within the first 30 days of enrollment. *Subject to proof of adequate progress attempt in order to qualify. 

IPHP is for you if you...

-are an empath and/or highly sensitive person experiencing a mild/moderate chronic pain OR a new mysterious bodily pain that has never happened before


-know on some level that your pain is more than just physical, yet after many attempts with self-healing and/or working with practitioners, the true emotional/energetic root causes have not yet been fully identified or addressed


-yearn for greater self-connection and self-understanding and are drawn to learning about the deeper wisdom held within your body​​​​


-desire to feel completely supported in a safe container to learn and practice your skills


-are ready to put in the work to learn and apply concepts, practices and be fully engaged in the next 3-4 months

IPHP is NOT for you if you...

-are looking for a quick fix → clinically, the method I am teaching has produced instantaneous healing results many times over. And although it is possible for you too, you still need to take the time to learn and practice the concepts, and this outcome is not guaranteed through your participation in this program. 


-are in severe pain AND you need immediate relief → please see a medical professional for acute relief in the meantime, and book a call with me to discuss working on the energetic elements further 


-honestly can't put the time or effort into learning and/or applying the DIY practices right now


-your pain is the immediate effect of an acute injury, trauma or accident eg. sprained ankle, broken bones, open wound etc... seek medical treatment 


-have no pain but have a chronic illness or condition that you want to understand further → case-by-case basis, please book a discovery call with me as you continue working with your other medical providers 


If you're still not sure if IPHP is for you, the interactive application will let you know right away if the program is a fit for you at this time. If so, you'll also have the option to book a free discovery call for further questions. Click below for the application.


Your Enrollment Options 



  • TWELVE (12) 40 minute Zoom 1:1 sessions 

  • Voxer support

  • bi-weekly group calls

  • private community support


You have two payment options:

-full payment of $6500,

-or payment plan of 3 monthly payments of $2283




  • FIVE (5) 40 minute Zoom 1:1 sessions

  •  bi-weekly group calls

  • private community support 


You have two payment options:

-full payment of $3333,

-or payment plan of 3 monthly payments of $1222


You will select your enrollment option once your application has been approved (you'll be given the option for a discovery call if you'd like to discuss further before enrolling).




Meet Your Mentor: Sarah Li

Hi, I am SO happy you are here!

My name is Sarah Li and I teach women in chronic pain how to reconnect with their bodies and the healing power of their intuition, so they can feel empowered as self-healers.


The IPHP is the pinnacle of my experiences of healing, between my 15+ years on my personal healing journey, and 4+ years of client work in the holistic health industry. I discovered a method of deep healing that made sense of all of my life experiences, changed my entire body and life, and am so grateful to be sharing it with other women who are looking for greater self-connection. It is SUCH an honor to be your guide and mentor on this part of your healing journey!

client transformations

“I am surprised at how fast my pain is leaving me because I honestly didn’t know what to expect and I have some pains here and there, but the chronic ones are mostly gone. I can’t wait for the next 10 weeks to see what is going to be going on.

IPHP student, Week 3/12

more kind words from clients

"My experience working with Sarah was freaking magical. One of my best experiences with a practitioner of all time.

Before working with Sarah, I felt like reversing my health issues (specifically scoliosis) was a far away reality, and one that I may not be able to attain. I also felt emotionally chaotic but since working with Sarah I feel like I have more awareness and overall understanding around my emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.


I’m more balanced holistically and I have a better perspective of my physical ailments relating to my emotional and spiritual misalignments. I also have been reversing my scoliosis and have reduced my back pain. "


"Sarah helped me "see" & feel the connection between unprocessed feelings, stuck energy in the body (due to unprocessed feelings) and the physical manifestations that come from stuck energy. My favorite part about working together was her compassion and understanding; guidance to help me get in touch with my intuition and listen to my body's cues. 


 I am still learning how to listen to my body and to what my intuition is telling me but without a doubt, my work with Sarah has given me tremendous insight and are helping me to take steps to fulfilling my spiritual path & purpose.

-Marguerite Remde

"Sarah has the ability to hone in on the issue. I have been able to get to the heart of things much faster than I would have been able to in another modality of working.


It seems like magic to me! I like when she explains the energy patterns she finds and what they tend to suggest! What really surprised me about her work is how effective it is even though it's hands off and shorter sessions.


Since working with Sarah I feel more able to hear myself, and I feel more aligned with the next steps I want to take on my life path."


"Since working with Sarah, I don’t feel negative about physical injuries when they arise as I know they are a reflection of energies within. I’m more aware that physical issues are a reflection of the emotional/energetic aspects.


Sarah has helped me see the spiritual meaning behind my symptoms by the effectiveness of her work with the pendulum, visualization exercises, and the information she provides on quantum healing. 


My favorite part of working together is the way that Sarah is able to obtain healing information from my body using the pendulum and applied kinesiology. Plus her calm energy."


"Right after I met [Sarah], I knew I wanted to work with her. I felt immediate results after the first session, and I really felt like she listened. My favorite part about working with Sarah is the chakra work. She doesn't even have to touch me for me to feel better in my body and mind. It's incredible!


Since working together, I feel like I'm on more solid ground. Less floaty. I learned a lot about the different chakras, especially the root and throat chakras. I'm conditioned to be a people pleaser, so working on these two areas is helping me to re-program myself by looking at what I really want. I'm also learning to trust myself more vs trusting what others say or think about me.


 I used to roll my ankle all of the time, and I would never have considered that my people pleasing had ANYTHING to do with that. I haven't rolled it since we talked about it 3-4 months ago.


I feel more aligned with what I want and am paying more attention to my intuition.

-Charlyn Villegas

Elena Bonnelly Madina

"When I first worked with Sarah, I was suffering from lower back pain that wasn't allowing me to maintain a seated position for more than 30 minutes. In less than 5 minutes she was able to find my root problem and release  me from my pain. I told her the sensations and the feeling of my pain. I have had this pain regularly in my life. By taking in consideration not just my physical body, but also my mind and my emotions, she was able to find that I was stressed, and that I was having an emotional reaction from something that happened to me the day before.

Being very careful and loving, she explained to me and helped me with my pain, by doing an exercise that let me release this emotional blockage. I really felt that I could cry, be scared, be angry or laugh if I wanted at her office. She made me feel so safe and loved, that I was able to understand , feel and heal whatever I was going through at that moment. You can really feel her peaceful presence and once you experience her healings, you can tell she has a lot of wisdom, nurturance and love to share.

Thank you Sarah for bringing light and love into my personal process."

"Sarah Li was so kind and thorough. I felt heard and seen, as a whole person, inside and out—pain in my body, pain in my soul. I appreciate my time with her and the healing that has followed!"

Melanie Sargent

let's activate your healing

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